About the project

Support for young people in entrepreneurship
PoMP – Support for young people in entrepreneurship
The PoMP project is implemented by five Slovenian partners (ZRS Bistra Ptuj, Primorski technology park, Novo Mesto Development Center, Ljubljana Technology Park and Saša Incubator) and the Norwegian partner NTNU within the framework of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism with the aim of establishing a comprehensive and permanent support environment that encourages Slovenian primary and secondary school students to search for entrepreneurial ideas, create business models and provides them with the necessary entrepreneurial knowledge and the development of entrepreneurial competences. We will form the PoMP Academy to help teachers and a nationwide network of support institutions. The project aims to contribute to two challenges: to increase the entrepreneurship competences of teachers/mentors and, through them, to increase the entrepreneurship competences among young people with the aim of increasing their employment potential.
The PoMP project is co-financed by Kingdom of Norway with funds from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism in the amount of 497,374 euros. The purpose of the project is to provide support to young people in acquiring entrepreneurial competences.
As part of the PoMP project, activities will be carried out that include training and workshops for school principals and teachers. In the 2022/2023 school year, we will implement the PoMP Academy, the purpose of which is to impart knowledge and independently implement a program with young people. As part of the project, an online platform will also be set up that will serve as a connecting network for entrepreneurship mentors, and the final part of the project will be the exchange of good practices with the Norwegian partner, NTNU University from Trondheim, represented by one of the most prominent European experts in teaching entrepreneurship, Prof. Vegard Johansen.
The main target groups are: young people, their teachers/mentors, staff of the project partners who will improve their competences during the project, support and educational institutions and interested individuals who will join the support environment network with the aim of providing permanent support to young people even in less dynamic environments.
ABOUT THE NORWEGIAN FINANCIAL MECHANISM (NFM), which finances the PoMP project, in the total amount of €497,374
The Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism represent Norway’s contribution to a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
Through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism, Norway contributes to the reduction of social and economic differences in Europe and to the strengthening of bilateral relations with the beneficiary countries in Central and Southern Europe and along the Baltic. Norway cooperates closely with the European Union on the basis of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Together with two other donor countries, in five consecutive financing periods between 1994 and 2014, it provided funds in the amount of EUR 3.3 billion through financial mechanisms.
The Norwegian Financial Mechanism, which is financed only by Kingdom of Norway, is intended for countries that joined the European Union after 2003. The total amount of resources within the framework of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism in the period 2014-2021 amounts to EUR 1.25 billion. Priority areas in this period are as follows:
#2 social inclusion, youth employment and poverty reduction;
#3 environment, energy, climate change and low-carbon economy;
#4 culture, civil society, good governance and fundamental rights and freedoms;
#5 Justice and Home Affairs.
The slogan »Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe« is the fundamental message of the financial mechanisms, which is used by everyone involved in communication and information about the financial mechanisms.